Barbershop Luis i Panamá

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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PanamaBarbershop Luis



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Calle Eusebio A Morales, El Cangrejo, Edificio Atlantida Local N° 2, Panamá, Panama
kontakter telefon: +507 264-7290
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 8.9868342, Longitude: -79.5259952

kommentar 5

  • Rafael Buelvas

    Rafael Buelvas



  • David Delgado

    David Delgado


    Excellent Haircut and service. The perfect place to get a classic haircut. Really friendly staff.

  • Jackson Davis

    Jackson Davis


    An excellent stop for men’s grooming. It is a classic, old-school barber shop that’s been well maintained. Lots of young professionals as customers. Centrally located, so it’s an easy and safe walk; parking is a challenge. Great haircuts, shaves, and beard trims. They also have shoe shines, manicures, and pedicures. Friendly staff.

  • en

    Quinn Lessard


    I just got my haircut here. I show the lady 3 or 4 pictures of exactly how I usually get my hair cut. She spends over an hour with me. Turns me around in my chair so I can see my hair cut.. and she cut all my F***ing hair off!!! It's so short I can't even do anything with it. What the F***!! I showed her many pictures of what I want and she does the exact opposite... When I need a haircut again in 3 or 4 months(because thats how long it will probably take for it to grow back) I won't be going back there to get it cut! F**K!!!

  • Kristijan Binski

    Kristijan Binski


    This is the worst haircut I ever got in my life. Make sure you see the picture as a proof!

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