Hotel Occidental i David

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PanamaHotel Occidental


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Calle 4a Este, David, Panama
kontakter telefon: +507 730-5450
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Latitude: 8.4276372, Longitude: -82.4248706

kommentar 5

  • en

    Daniel Mínguez


    Good for weekend

  • Stephanie PG

    Stephanie PG


    La primera habitación que nos dieron, la 501 había un ruido tremendo del aire acondicionado además de olor a humedad. Pedimos cambio y nos dieron la 701 , mismo lado , el ruido se escuchaba pero un poco menos, la habitación tenía un olor horrible a humedad. La cortina daba la sensación a suciedad . Y ni hablar de la alfombra ... me duché y estuve descalza por un rato , terminé con los pies sucios . Lo bueno , su precio y ubicación

  • en

    Yorjan Hernandez



  • Victor Kaa

    Victor Kaa



  • E G Adams

    E G Adams


    My next Lookie – Lookie was out to the Far West of Panama – the city of Puerto Armuelles [PA]. To reach PA, I took a bus again from the Albrook Terminal to the city of David [pronounced Dā-veed’. It is a nice 6 hour ride made more pleasant by the quality of the bus, the varying panorama of the countryside and the stop for lunch half-way there. I usually like to eat within local bus or train stations, but there was a long line waiting to go through the line, I decided to walk down to a KFC I spied next door – and have a piece of Chicken. I am not a KFC fan, but the leg and thigh [with mashed potatoes – cole slaw and Biscuit] I got here was top-notch and well worth the 85 cents. After this lunch, we continued on to David where we arrived in mid-afternoon. There is no direct service from Panama City to PA so I had decided to spend a night here. I knew nothing about this city and so hired a taxi at the bus station to drive me around. Taxis are very inexpensive in Panama and a great way to learn about an area you are unacquainted with – $1 will get you most anywhere in town. I like city-centers in old colonial towns and so had the taxi go there – the Plaza. Right on the square was an old, but clean looking hotel [the Occidental}, so I had him stop – make sure they had a room – and entered. It was NOT the Biltmore – but it was clean, the bed was comfortable, and for $23 I could not expect more. I spent an extra day in David, walking around seeing the sites. It is the third largest city in the country [after Panama City and Colón – each end of the canal] and is scheduled to receive an International Airport in the near future.

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