La Isabela Suites w Panamá

PanamaLa Isabela Suites


brak informacji

🕗 godziny otwarcia

kontakt telefon: +507 388-4105
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 8.9530716, Longitude: -79.5362312

komentarze 5

  • es

    Yolanda Borda


    La belleza de lugar sus. Instalaciones impecables atención excelente y fácil. desplazamiento a cualquier lugar volveré pronto gracias a todos

  • en

    Fellow P


    Great place. A little overpriced for the neighborhood

  • harinder Khela

    harinder Khela


    The suites are spacious and these guys really provide the greatest service. Nothing but good things to say about them.

  • Allan George

    Allan George



  • zoey lieber

    zoey lieber


    I stayed at La Isabela during apparently one of their busier times and all their suites were booked, however I felt such care and attention. All of the employees were some of the nicest, kindest, and most helpful I've met. The suites themselves are amazing- so beautiful and yet surprisingly comfortable, there was even a pool. Plus the location is perfect, we stayed in the middle of the city where all the action was. There were restaurants right downstairs and the employees directed us to hotspots just blocks away. I had the pleasure of meeting the owners of the establishment and they were very down to earth and gave me one on one attention. Honestly one of the best places I have stayed at in a long time and I am hoping to come again soon.

najbliższy Kwatera

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