Tántalo Hotel / Kitchen / Roofbar i Panama City

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PanamaTántalo Hotel / Kitchen / Roofbar


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Calle 8 Este con Avenida B, Casco Viejo, Panama City, Panama
kontakter telefon: +507 262-4030
internet side: tantalohotel.com
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Latitude: 8.953209, Longitude: -79.535794

kommentar 5

  • Emaad Paracha

    Emaad Paracha


    Wonderful rooftop restaurant! Offers great views of Panama which you can enjoy while eating great food in the cool Pacific breeze. The service was great, the food wonderfully cooked (although might not fill you up), and the ambiance of the whole place was perfect. A great place to enjoy dinner with music and a nice view!

  • André Xenofonte

    André Xenofonte


    Restaurante e Hotel e Rooftop. Restaurante com ambiente super agradável. Atendimento muito bom. Comida muito boa, mas pratos pequenos. Eles dizem que os pratos são “tapas” e não pratos principais. No mesmo prédio também funciona um hotel e um Rooftop ao ar livre. A decoração do restaurante é um destaque, bem diferente. Recomendo para quer estiver na cidade antiga.

  • Candice Peart

    Candice Peart


    This place was fun. Thought there was a cover charge but there wasn't the Sunday night we went. The dj played a nice mixture of music and we even heard a little dancehall and American music. Based on the crowd that was there it was mostly Spanish music which we didn't mind. Drinks were fairly prices for a club. I would visit here again.

  • Scotty ST

    Scotty ST


    Excellent room and service. I loved the hotel staff, they were very friendly. The room we stayed in had a great view of the city and cathedral. The morning breakfast was lovely. The breakfast is one entree off the menu, coffee any style and a drink. The rooftop is a good reason to stay here as you will have access at anytime. You also will be able to get free access to the club the hotel owns/works with which is also good and will save you money if you are looking to go out.

  • Scott Snow

    Scott Snow


    This is the place to go if you want to dance and hangout with people from all over the world. We went on a Sunday night and still had a great time. Good music choices and rooftop atmosphere. The best thing is that there was no cover charge. Cover charge = no business from me.

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