Avis Car Rental i Panamá

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PanamaAvis Car Rental



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Calle Hercilia Lamela, Panamá, Panamá, PA Panama
kontakter telefon: +507 213-0555
internet side: avis.com.pa
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 8.984997, Longitude: -79.527386

kommentar 5

  • es

    Roque Pinilla


    buena arrendadora

  • oris Osiris Cecaida

    oris Osiris Cecaida


    Buenos vehiculos buena atencion no hay queja de nada exelente

  • en

    Hugo Fonseca


    Rented a car for 1 day. The rate quoted online was pretty cheap and it was real (I thought mandatory insurance would be added or something). For CDW you can waive it but keep in mind that they will ask to hold of $10,000 on your card; just a hold not a real charge - so if your credit card has good benefits protection and allows you to charge that it's a good method. Area to receive and deliver the car is small but well lit. Staff is friendly and speaks good English.

  • Мария Филатова

    Мария Филатова


    Nice car rental. They can wait for you even if you are late and arrive after office close.

  • en

    Stephanie Davis


    When I said I just wanted the most basic insurance coverage,because my credit card covers rental car accidents and my personal car insurance is very comprehensive, Avis in Panama wanted me to guarantee a $10,000 deposit with my credit card. $10,000? I wasn't buying the car, just trying to rent one. That's just the way it is. I left and rented from Hertz in Panama, which has a reasonable policy. My opinion is to not bother going to Avis in Panama.

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